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Ruby- 菲律賓EV 22週課程從雅思3.5進步到雅思6.5!
地點: 菲律賓宿霧 EV Academy
課程: 22週 ESL+雅思

I have spent 22 weeks in the Philippines harnessing my English skills. For almost half a year, I have felt at home in EV Academy doing a lot of things at the same time. This experience has molded me not only in improving my English skills but also in being a better version of myself. I’ve studied in ESL course for the first 2 months of my stay. Every morning, I had to join my man-to-man classes. These classes are the four language macro-skill (listening, reading, writing and speaking.) Aside from having a good curriculum, my teachers were kind and passionate in facilitating learning. In times of doubts and confusions, they immediately respond to my concerns. In the afternoon, there were four group classes (presentation, grammar, active speaking, and listening.) These classes give students the opportunity to mingle with foreign classmates. Aside from building friendships, these also allow me to learn about different culture and traditions without even going to their respective countries.
After 2 month stay in ESL course, I decided to challenge myself and be part of IELTS course. IELTS course is more intensive than the previous one and the teachers were teaching highly academic topics. It only means that IELTS was more difficult compared to other courses. That was my first time to be exposed in IELTS, and so, I just got a total band score of 3.5 in my very first mock test but I never lose my determination to improve. After 3 months of intensive training, I was able to reach a band score of 6.5. Warmest gratitude to my passionate IELTS instructors.
Aside from attending my main classes, I also had the chance to join an optional class, in filmmaking to be specific. Every week, we watched 2 movies. Our teacher was really crazy and funny making the class so enjoyable and engaging. He shared different types of movies and would prepare sets of vocabulary for students. Therefore, we learned different things aside from our main courses.
It was a great and satisfying experience for me to study at EV Academy, not just for improving our language skills but also making bridges with different nationalities. Everything in EV Academy is excellent. You don’t have to worry about recreational activities here because facilities are all functional and effective. Classrooms are all conducive for learning to make me want to study more. It is indeed more fun in the Philippines, more love in Cebu, and more learning in EV Academy.

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